Keep also in mind that Resolve is also quite useful outside combat. I'll keep my curent character, but if I had to restart, I'd lower my Might a lot and let the invocations do the damage - the hardes part is to stay alive long enough to cast them :p. Then maybe resolve and perception for some defense.

So, yes, Int + Constit seems like a good advice. I mean, he can if you choose to, but he really shines as a caster-summoner, so I'd focus my secondary stats on survavibility, not fighting abilities. Dexterity does NOT reduce the time it takes to Chant a Phrase.Gabby2: I'm not very far yet but for what I see, my Chanter isn't made to be a Melee.Firearms or ranged weapons that need reloading are recommended for Chanters (except Skalds which need to melee) because they can reduce their Recovery Time and increase their Reload Speed with them.Be sure to place your Chanter where you can hit all the targets you want with your Chants.Intellect increases the area around the Chanter that their Phrases can affect, which is why it's one of their highly recommended Attributes.Some Invocations can be more than one type. There are 3 types: Offensive Invocation, Non-Offensive Invocation and Summon Invocation. Invocations are the spells Chanters use that require a certain amount of Phrases to have been "chanted".This makes it possible to have Linger periods that overlap, allowing for more than one buff to be active at once. The Duration of the Linger of a Phrase can be extended by increasing Intellect.

This period afterwards is called " Linger". Players gain the benefits of Phrases while they are being chanted and for a short time afterwards.Once Phrase is finished the Chanter immediately begins the next. Each Phrase takes 6 seconds to "chant", and this time cannot be reduced, except by the Brisk Recitation Ability that Troubadours have. Players can select the order and how often which Phrases are "chanted". Chants are made up of Phrases the player chooses when leveling up and have a wide variety of effects.This allows them to Multiclass effectively because they can melee, ranged attack or cast spells and this will still occur. Chanters passively "chant" while in combat, providing buffs and debuffs.

Chanter is a Class in Pillars of Eternity 2.